Anti Aging

Aging is All About Your Cells!
Aging does not just happen overnight and is rarely due to just one thing. Aging is a multifactorial process that occurs due to toxins, inflammations, infections, lack of hormones and other diet and lifestyle factors.
Aging cells lose their ability to function or they begin to function abnormally. This is due to declines in mitochondrial health and other important processes. We refer to this as Age-Associated Cellular Decline, or AACD.
Enhancing Longevity.
Healthy diet and active lifestyle are a good foundation for longevity but other factors are at play as well, such as limiting stress, getting enough sleep, maintaining social connections, and Taking Care of Your Cells.
In order to gain traction, Dr. Mejia looks at the big picture and addresses all of the driving factors to help you optimize your health, slow down the aging process and protect you from the common problems associated with aging such as low vitality, fatigue, pain, osteoporosis, decline in memory, insomnia, mood changes and sexual dysfunction.
Our innovative approach will augment your healthy living habits to the next level by taking care of your precious cells.

Our Anti-Aging Program works by:

Removing toxins from the body that speed up the biological and visual aging process:

Sugar Detoxification
Sugar ages us in many ways, both internally and externally, including our skin. Aging is accelerated by sugar. Without getting too technical, at the end of each strand of our DNA is a little cap, called a telomere, which protects our DNA from damage. Every time our DNA is read and duplicated, those telomeres shorten. While our bodies normally replace those telomeres, sugar quickens that shortening, and thereby, advances the aging process.

Liver Detoxification
The liver is specifically designed for removing toxins. The rate at which your body can remove toxins, however, varies, and in most people, there is a build-up. The unhealthier your lifestyle, the more toxins will be in your body. Regular detoxification is the best course of action.

Restoring what is lacking in the body can bring Cells activity back to its optimal functions While proper nutrition has some impact on our health, not all of what we consume penetrates at the cellular level to directly impact the function of our mitochondria.
Supplementing your cells with Mitochondrial Nutrients can positively affect cellular aging.
Optimizing vitamins and minerals - Anti-Oxidants help defend your cells from damage caused by potentially harmful molecules known as free radicals. When free radicals accumulate, they may cause a state known as oxidative stress. This may damage your DNA and other important structures in your cells. Chronic oxidative stress can accelerates aging and increase your risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer. Antioxidants—like vitamins A, C, and E help stop the chain reaction of free radicals that accelerate aging and disease.
Bio-Identical Hormone therapy - boosting these hormones are viable therapies to slow down the aging process and stop the development of age related diseases.

Regenerative Therapy.
Repairing old and injured cells with Regenerative therapy

Stem Cell Therapy / Exosome Therapy
Stem Cell Therapy in Tampa / Exosome Therapy in Tampa is a type of Regenerative Medicine using tissues that have the ability to: Repair, Replace, Restore biological structures and functions that may be lacking due to Aging, Disease or Destructions.

Why We Need Stem Cells As We Get Older.
Have you ever noticed or observed how quickly a child recovers from an injury? Now, tell me. Do you recover at that rate since you’ve gotten older? Of course not! You will agree with me that it's now a bit harder. Well, there is a reason for that. Stem cells are the body’s natural repair kit or system. So, when we were born, we had the most active amount of stem cells in our bodies. But as we age, the number of stem cells decreases. This explains why our bodies are not able to heal as quickly as we get older. Below is a chart that shows how stem cells decrease as we age.
As you can see from the chart, the older we get, our bodies take longer to repair and recover. This chart also shows us the importance of stem cell therapy as we age. So, In order for us to heal and regenerate more quickly, we need more stem cells. Stem cell therapy using Umbilical Cord Stem Cells can give our bodies the boost it needs in order to regenerate and heal itself. With the capacity to double every 28 hours for 65 generations, one injection or IV infusion of umbilical cord stem cells can produce more stem cells than your calculator can count. This infusion of viable stem cells begins to seek out inflammation, balance the immune system and cause regenerative actions to take place.
How Many Times Should a Patient Get Stem Cell Therapy?
Some patients come in and receive therapy for a particular condition or reason. However, just because you have received stem cell therapy doesn’t mean you will stop losing stem cells. As long as you are aging, you will continue to lose stem cells. That’s why it’s advisable to continue going for a stem cell therapy in order to maintain a healthy supply of stem cells in your body.

Embracing Graceful Aging.
True, You can't stop your biological clock. The key is how you live out those years!
While Aging is inevitable, there is no reason why advancing years must be associated with fatigue, pain, low vitality, depression and mental decline. With amazing advances in Anti-Aging Medicine, you can age gracefully!